«A pioneer of the Costa del Sol tourism boom, courtesy of its quality beaches»
Torremolinos is one of the best-known tourist resorts on Costa del Sol. It was the birthplace of coastal Málaga’s tourism boom in the 1950s, which presented Málaga’s great beaches and mild weather to the world and gave rise to one of the leading travel destinations in Spain.

The earliest settlers in Torremolinos came here in the Stone Age; evidence of this has been found in many caves and grottos. Phoenician, Greek, Roman and Arab ships came to its coast, attracted by the abundance of shelter, water, fish and game – plus the fine weather. Part of the Arab legacy, the watchtower is still standing at the far end of Calle San Miguel. It appears in the ordinances of 1497 as ‘Torre de los Molinos’, hence the name of the town. (The tower is now called ‘Pimentel’).
Torremolinos has traditionally been one of the most popular tourist destinations on Costa del Sol.
Interesting facts about Torremolinos
- Plaza de Blas Infante, 1 29620. Torremolinos. Málaga.
- Teléfono: 95 237 94 00
- Fax: 95 237 94 42
- Email: info@ayto-torremolinos.org
- Alcalde: Excmo. Sr. D. Margarita Del Cid Muñoz
- Superficie: 20.0 Km²
- Altura: 50 m
- Temperatura media: 18.0 °C
- Horas de sol: 2800 horas / año
- Precipitaciones: 500 l/m²
- Fritura malagueña
- Pescaíto frito
- Torta torremolinense
- Pescado a la sal
- Plaza de Blas Infante, 1 29620. Torremolinos. Málaga.
- Teléfono: 952 37 95 11/12
- Web: http://www.ayto-torremolinos.org
- Fiesta y romería de San Miguel: 29 de septiembre
- Romería marítima de la Virgen del Carmen: 16 de julio
- Barriada de El Calvario (Jueves: mercadillo)
- Barriada marinera de La Carihuela
- Calle de San MIguel (zona comercial en el centro)
- Casa de los Navaja
- Ermita de San Miguel
- Molino de Inca
- Paseo Marítimo (7 kms.)
- Torre de Pimentel en la Cuesta del Tajo
- Zona de Los Manantiales (restos de antiguos molinos)
- Zona de Los Pinares