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The Western Costa del Sol Town Council Association is meant to gather the efforts and financial resources of member townships for the operation and maintenance of services in the interest of its members. In particular, the Association focuses on the services described in the Articles of Association: Technical Issues, Water, Machinery, Environment, Travel, and Beaches.

The financing, development and maintenance of water-related works, facilities and services in the towns that are members of the Association are managed by the state-owned company ACOSOL, S.A.

This department is also in charge of waste management in the 11 townships in the Association, via the Costa del Sol Environmental Complex as well as prevention and awareness-raising campaigns.

A signalling system is used to protect beachgoers and contribute to the quality and excellence of the 11 towns that are part of the Western Costa del Sol Town Council Association.

Attending conferences and other events, the Travel Department keeps abreast of the latest news and trends in the tourism industry. Its work complements the efforts of tourism departments at the local level.

The Technical Office is a common space for the study, planning and implementation of town works, facilities and services aimed at improving quality and fostering development in the towns in the Association.

The Association makes available to its Town Councils a management and aid system to buy machinery for street maintenance works: lighting, cleaning, etc.